Freelance Writing Newsletter

The complete freelance writer bundle includes my freelance writing course, a freelance writing checklist, an SEO blog post checklist and template, and a cold pitching and guest posting spreadsheet.

Freelance Writing

Newsletter Freebies

iPad mockup of my freelance writing course and workbook

Freelance Writing Course (eBook & Workbook)

Read the lessons, use the extra resources, and complete the practical exercises in this Freelance Writing Course — you’ll start making money freelance writing in no time.

SEO Blog Post Checklist + Template

Writing SEO-friendly blog posts is the most important skill any freelance writer should have. Sure, you could go for the trial-and-error approach: getting negative feedback from clients and learning little by little — or, you could start on the right foot by following the tried-and-true, step-by-step process from the checklist. Using the SEO blog post template alongside it will save you precious time. You can customize it as you progress. It also comes with a table for you to organize and compare different headlines.

iPad mock-up of the How to Become a Freelance Writer Checklist

Freelance Writer Checklist

Skimming through the eBook course, and seeing every step you need to take to become a freelance writer, can be overwhelming. Dividing the ultimate goal into smaller, more manageable mini-goals will help you stay focused on the task at hand while keeping you motivated throughout the process.

Cold Pitching & Guest Posting Spreadsheet

Cold pitching might seem daunting at first but it’s the best way to get freelance writing jobs and build a profitable business. Guest posting helps get your name out there and build relationships — it’s a great way to get your first writing samples, too. With these spreadsheets, you can track your outreach campaigns easily, measure success, and adapt your strategy as you go. You could quickly create your own, but why would you? There’s a free one right here!

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Freelance Writing Newsletter

Hi, I’m Ines 👋

I’m a freelance content writer, creator, and solopreneur.

My freelance writing journey is super cliché.

I took a degree I wasn’t thrilled about, got a job that made me miserable, and ended up starting this career to live life to the fullest.

Yes, I got the freedom and financial security I always dreamed of, but I still felt like there was something missing.

In fact, two things were missing: creative freedom and helping others.

I had dozens of ideas to solve these issues, but, in the end, it made sense to combine the two into a single project — et voilà, this blog was born.

Now, I can create content that I’m passionate about, in my own voice, for my audience.

But, most importantly, I have a clear goal…

My mission is to help at least 1,000 change their lives like I changed mine.

If making money writing online is the answer you’ve been looking for and you’re ready to kickstart your career, I’d love to be the one helping you out.

So, there you go, this is why I created Free Worker Bee and this freelance writing newsletter: to create a nurturing community of like-minded people who help each other with no price tags attached.

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Freelance Writing Newsletter

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