Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) Calculator

Here’s the key information you need to use the Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator:

  • Your keywords’ monthly search volume (MSV) should be below 250.
  • The KGR value should be below 0.25.
  • If you have some domain authority (DA) you can experiment with higher KGR values — 0.5, 1, or 1.3, for example.
  • You can calculate as many KGR values as you need. This calculator is free and has no usage limits.

How to Use the Free Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator

The Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) technique targets less competitive keywords — ideally with a monthly search volume below 250. By staying under this threshold, you increase your chances of ranking quickly.

So, here’s how to use this free Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator:

1. Do your keyword research as you normally would and identify keywords with an MSV of 250 or less — you can create a spreadsheet to keep your keywords organized. Here’s mine:

spreadsheet example of how to use the keyword golden ratio calculator

2. Find out the number of allintitle results for your chosen keywords — type “allintitle: [your keyword]” on Google. Here’s an example:

how to check the number of allintitle results to use the keyword golden ratio calculator

3. Plug those numbers into the Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator and get your KGR ratio. Write the result on your spreadsheet — remember that a KGR lower than 0.25 works better.

In this example, the keyword “do freelance writers make good money” has an MSV of 10 and only one allintitle result, resulting in a KGR value of 0.1.

Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator

What Is Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR)?

The Keyword Golden Ratio is an SEO, data-driven technique to find underserved keywords.

To apply this method, you need to find keywords with low search volume that have a low supply in search results (i.e., low allintitle results).

They represent great opportunities to rank high in search engines, get more traffic to your website, and make more sales.

This is especially useful for new and small businesses looking to break into search engine results pages (SERPs) and get more organic traffic.

It can take new businesses months — or years! — to rank for popular, competitive keywords. They may never even rank for some of them.

With the KGR technique, you’ll increase the likelihood of ranking high quickly (in a matter of hours or days) for much less popular keywords. Almost every website can benefit from perusing this SEO hack.

Keyword Golden Ratio Formula (KGR Formula)

The Keyword Golden Ratio formula is super simple. Divide the number of allintitle results by the monthly search volume of each keyword. Then, check if the KGR value falls within the “ideal”, “might work”, or “bad” bracket.

Keyword Golden Ratio Formula

KGR = (number of allintitle results) / (MSV)

What About Non-KGR-Compliant Keywords?

Keywords with a search volume above 250 or a KGR over 0.25 are non-KGR-compliant keywords.

According to Doug Cunnington, the issue with targeting keywords with an MSV higher than 250 is that it takes longer to rank — even if there are very few allintitle results.

But, that’s not the biggest problem, in my opinion.

The problem with going for keywords with more than 250 MSV is that they may get a KGR below 0.25, but have too many allintitle results.

➡️ Here’s an example: a query with 10,000 monthly searches and 2,500 allintitle results has a KGR of 0.25. However, you’ll be competing with 2,500 results!

This example clarifies why you should stick to lower search volumes when using this SEO technique.

So, what’s the takeaway on pursuing non-KGR-compliant keywords?

Personally, I wouldn’t shy away from pursuing keywords with an MSV above 250 if they have fewer than 70 allintitle results and are relevant to my business.

Also, if your website has some domain authority, you can use this method more loosely. You can test whether or not your site can rank for keywords with a KGR of 0.5, 0.9, or even 1.5, for example.

Keyword Golden Ratio Example

Let’s take a look at a Keyword Golden Ratio example.

I typed “how often bathe labradoodle” on Semrush and it gave me a bunch of promising results (i.e., results with fewer than 250 monthly searches and low keyword difficulty).

keyword golden ratio example

Then, I selected the first keyword Semrush gave me — “how often should I bathe my labradoodle” — and looked up the number of allintitle results on Google.

keyword golden ratio example

The keyword selected has a monthly search volume of 50 and only three allintitle results.

I entered those values into the Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator and got a KGR value of 0.06. This means this keyword is KGR-compliant and should be pursued.

Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator

Benefits of the Golden Ratio in Keyword Research

There are three main benefits to using the KGR method:

1. Get traffic to your newly-launched website & stay motivated

Blogging is a slow grind. You can write content for months without seeing any results — that’s why the majority of people give up quickly.

By getting small wins quickly, you can stay motivated through the initial tough times.

2. Prioritize which keywords you’ll target

It’s pretty overwhelming to stare at an endless list of keywords, trying to decide which ones to target first — I’ve been there!

By applying the KGR method, you’ll know which keywords give you a higher chance of ranking quickly, making it easier for you to prioritize which topics to pursuit first.

3. You’ll gain a competitive advantage

Everyone can log into a keyword research tool and check keywords’ MSV and keyword difficulty (KD).

But finding out their KGR is a manual process. You need to create a keyword list and use the Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator to get that value — not everyone is willing to do that.

Plus, not everyone knows about this technique!

Disadvantages of the Golden Ratio in Keyword Research

There are also potential disadvantages to using the KGR. By knowing what they are, you can avoid them.

1. Targeting topics that aren’t relevant to your audience

You may end up writing about topics that won’t take you anywhere both in terms of sales and content creation.

Using long-tail golden keywords for blog posts that you can’t naturally link to other posts in your blog or create more content about is a bit pointless.

It’s also pointless to attract an audience that’s not interested in what you’re teaching or selling.

Don’t target random keywords just for the sake of ranking.

2. Disregarding search intent & domain authority (DA)

This falls into the same category as the previous disadvantage. You may find golden keywords and try to force them into your website to rank high.

However, if your website and blog post don’t match the user intent for that keyword, you won’t rank.

Also, sometimes, the keyword has low allintitle results but the sites ranking on the first SERP are super authoritative. You won’t rank above them.

It’s advisable that you do a regular Google search to see what’s ranking already. This way you’ll know which type of content you need to create, if that content matches your blog, and if there are high DA websites ranking already.

3. There’s a limited supply of golden keywords

Because golden keywords have low search volume, this technique works better if you can create a high number of KGR blog posts.

However, you may not find many keywords that fall into the viable KGR bracket.

Remember that the ratio should be under 1 (ideally, under 0.25), they should have a search volume below 250, and be relevant to your business.

Does Keyword Golden Ratio Work?

The KGR method doesn’t always work, but there are lots of Keyword Golden Ratio case studies proving its effectiveness.

In 2016, Doug Cunnington, the founder of Niche Site Project, published 200 blog posts targeting KRG terms on his Amazon Affiliate site.

In twelve months, his traffic increased by around 800% and his website went from making $100 to $14,853 per month.

This is just one of many examples.

But the reality is that success using this technique depends on your goals.

Usually, you can only be successful if you write dozens of posts targeting golden keywords because their search volume is low.

Key Takeaways — Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator/Tool

Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator — Featured Image

The process of researching keywords, checking the number of allintitle results, building your spreadsheet, and using the Keyword Golden Ratio Calculator is a bit time-consuming at first but it’s worth it in the long run.

It’s one of the best options to grow a new website. You’ll increase your online visibility and improve your Google ranking faster.

Are you looking to write blog posts that actually rank on Google? Download my SEO Blog Post checklist and follow my tried-and-tested process 👇

About the Author — Ines S. Tavares

Hey! I’m Ines 👋 Welcome to Free Worker Bee 😄

I’m a freelance content writer, creator, and solopreneur. Freelance writing allowed me to quit my 9-to-5 job and live life on my own terms. That’s why I created this blog: I want to give back.

I want to help at least 1,000 people become freelance writers and live their best lives. Get started today with my FREE Freelance Writing Course.


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